Thank you and Goodbye to IES Emilio Alarcos, Gijón.

Hello to everybody at IES Emilio Alarcos, I hope you are doing well! Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it hasn't been possible to have our normal classes during the past few months. These past few months have been difficult for all of us, and I sincerely hope you are all doing better now. 

Since we can't say goodbye in person, I wrote a little note for you guys, and with it, a video of me reading it out. Unfortunately, I will not be returning in September as I have to finish university. I wish you all the best!

"Hi everybody! So, I am making this video to basically talk about my experience in Spain over the past 8 months, and of course, to say goodbye and thank you to Emilio Alarcos.

Before I came to Spain, I didn’t know what to expect. I started working at Emilio Alarcos, despite not having a lot of teaching experience. I struggled with presentations in front of big groups of people, though however, thanks to you guys and the supportive teachers, it didn’t take me long to settle into your school.

From the beginning, with the photos of my cat and dog, to the last classes we had together about Saint Patrick’s Day, I must say I enjoyed every moment of it. I loved the fact that, even several months into teaching, I had students waving and saying hello to me while I was coming to class.

Unfortunately, the recent events with the pandemic took our last few months of classes away, and I really hope everybody is feeling better now. Lockdown was a difficult time for everybody, especially when you have to do all your classes online. I hope that your exams went well, and that all you and your families are safe. I also hope that you are wearing your masks and that you are washing your hands often.

I spent my quarantine doing anything I could to stay productive. I watched a lot of Netflix, I listened to music and podcasts, I also learned how to cook more things, like cakes and pies. And despite not being allowed to go outside, I tried to do some exercise every day. When the quarantine ended, things got a lot better. I was happy to be able to go outside again with my mask. I went on a walk almost every day. I also slowly began to see some of my friends too, which was really nice.

After 8 months living abroad in Spain, and after teaching in Emilio Alarcos, I have to say that I have made so many memories. I met so many amazing people, I got to travel more, and of course I was lucky to work in such a kind, welcoming school. Both the students and the teachers made this experience very memorable. And I have decided that, one day, when I finish my degree at university, I will return again to Spain. Maybe my Spanish will be better by then!

I will miss you guys very much. It’s unfortunate that things ended this way. I wish you all the luck in the world, and the best of luck in the future! And remember, keep practising your English!

Goodbye everyone 😊


  1. Hi, Conor, this is Paloma. I must say you did a great job and all of us will miss you. My students have learnt about Ireland and English language thanks to you. Please come back and use your Spanish as much as you can. Have a good journey back. See you :)


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